[1]韦柳迎 文乐敏.糖尿病与肺结核共病的研究进展[J].大众科技,2023,25(8):124-127.
 Research Progress on Comorbidity of Diabetes and Pulmonary Tuberculosis[J].Popular Science & Technology,2023,25(8):124-127.





Research Progress on Comorbidity of Diabetes and Pulmonary Tuberculosis
韦柳迎12 文乐敏12 
(1.南宁市第四人民医院,广西 南宁 530023;2.广西艾滋病临床治疗中心(南宁),广西 南宁 530023)
diabetes pulmonary tuberculosis comorbidity
Studies found that diabetes and pulmonary tuberculosis have a high incidence of comorbidity and complicated condition, which increases the difficulty of clinical nursing for diabetes and pulmonary tuberculosis. Both of them affect each other and are risk factors for each other. This article reviews the concept of comorbidity, the epidemiology, interaction, screening and management of comorbidity between diabetes and tuberculosis, in order to highlight the correlation between them and provide theoretical basis for clinical individualized diagnosis and treatment.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-08-24